Ralf Knoche
bild Lebanese Republic
Design and implementation of rehabilitation measures for water and sanitation supply
Period: 02/2008 – 03/2009
Employer: GITEC Consult GmbH on behalf of German Development Bank (KfW)
Description: The 2006 Israel-Lebanon war in July / August 2006 caused major damages to Lebanon’s infrastructure. The conflict was stopped by a ceasefire on 14th of August 2006. Foreign governments, i.e. the German Government, pledged themselves to support Lebanon in the essential rehabilitation works. First priority was given to the rehabilitation and repair of infrastructure damages.

After a fact finding mission of KfW in August/September 2006 it was decided to implement two short-term repair programmes, one for the rehabilitation measures in vocational schools and one for the repair and reconstruction measures in the water supply system, sewerage and energy supply infrastructure in South Lebanon.

The repair and reconstruction programme of water/energy infrastructure was divided in two phases. Phase I should ensure a continuous hygienically safe water supply and an adequate sewerage. In Phase II more time consuming projects were conducted (more than 20 separate measures). Phase II was scheduled to be completed within 18 months.

For this project phase the Lebanese Government received a grant-in-kind of EUR 9 millions in the frame of German-Lebanese financial co-operation from the German Government through KfW.

Main tasks were the design and construction/procurement of the following:
- Equipment of 36 pumping stations with chlorination equipment
- Equipment of 26 pumping stations with electrical panels
- Improvement of the water supply network in six villages:
Installation of more than 21 kilometres of pipes
- Improvement of the electrical supply for pumping stations for water
supply: Installation of more than 16 kilometres of power lines
- Improvement of the sanitation situation: Installation of approx.
30 kilometres of sewage system
- Improvement of the maintenance teams through procurement of
workshop pick-ups, tools and equipment as well as pipes and
fittings (39,000 metres; PE and Ductile Iron)
Services provided: - Identification of rehabilitation measures to be implemented during
Phase II
- Elaboration of design, technical specifications, bill of quantities and
contract documents for all subprojects
- Preparation of complete tender documents
- Execution of tender procedures
- Contracting supplies and implementation measures
- Supervision of supplies and works
- Definition of indicators for monitoring and evaluation
- Management of Disposition Fund